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Blown in insulation, rolled fiberglass insulation, cellulose insulation,

blanket insulation, spray foam insulation, reflective insulation.

Call us now and book an insulation service today!



Why Attic Insulation Important?


the attic can become a huge issue with home heating/cooling efficiency.

There are many areas you can easily miss if not aware.

Your hard-earned money slipping out of unsealed vents and exhausts, or possibly over heating an attic due to improper venting making temperatures soar to 175 degrees F.

When temperatures get that high, not only does your condenser work harder to keep the house cool, but condensation then begins to form due to temperature variants, which lends itself to another whole host of problems such as: mold, mildew, and wet nesting bacteria, which I dare say is another blog post entirely… But as you can see, attic insulation must be maintained to have a cost efficient healthy home.


Insulation helps keep your home at a comfortable temperature and reduces the amount of energy used on heating and cooling. It also provides a noise reduction function, ensuring you're not exposed to unwanted outdoor sounds.



How Long Does Blown In Insulation Last?


around 20 years.

Cellulose insulation has a typical lifespan of around 20 to 30 years. Since it is made of recycled newsprint, it will degrade over time, faster than fiberglass insulation. However, during its lifetime it does provide air-blocking properties that fiberglass does not.



Where Is Insulation Most Important?


 In a residential home, it's most important to insulate the ceiling and roof, followed by walls, floors, and water pipes. In large commercial buildings, doors, kitchens, bathrooms, and entrance lobbies, must also be properly insulated to prevent weather-related damage and keep maintenance down.



How Do You Know If You Need More Insulation In Your Attic?


A quick way to see if you need more insulation is to look across your attic floor. If your insulation level is at or below the top of the floor joists, you probably need to add more insulation (but remember to seal the air leaks before you insulate)




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